w.blogger test
MP3 players are cool.. I resently purchased a Rio Forge off amazon. It is very nice and very easy to use.. I can carry over 24 full CDs in my pocket. Technology is amazing. Have a great day today. Don't work to hard..
I have no idea which direction to go with this blog.. But it is starting to form..
Wow. The only word to describe it is amazing. We had an amazing loss last night. I had a fun time, except for the inning where we spotted
them 32 runs. That is softball for you. Winning doesn't matter. I
had a good time. I finnally found my bat. Well that is I was able to
hit the ball and place it again. I haven't found my power yet.
Hopefully I will find that in the next few games.
I volunteered to come in early this morning. But I am feeling pretty
good. I didn't want to get out of bed at 3:10am. I mean who ever
does. Since today is going to be a long day. I might be able to get
another post in. I am not feeling very creative right now. Maybe at
7:30 am, I will be creative.