Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Start with a high point

Start you day with a high point... That is a theme of the workout that I am currently doing. It is also something that I am going to apply to my spiritual life. I started today with a 20 min bike ride. As I was riding I listened to Relient K. (it was low enough that I could hear traffic coming from behind. plus at 5:30 people have to turn thier lights on) And it occured to me. Starting my day out with a high point in phyiscal exercise is suppose to give me strength and energy to make it through the day, how much more will time with God. I now plan on having a daily devotional as well as my daily workout in the morning. I am pumped by the way that God will work in my life. He has already blessed me so much how much more will he bless me the closer I come to him.. Are you ready for today?



Blogger Russell said...

I "get high" every morning! :) Those Tanner smooches go a long way! I especially like it when he'd rather stay with me than grandma...

As for the spiritual high, I need to do that too. I'm going to start reading Oswald Chambers' Upmost For His Highest every morning. It's really good.

8:06 AM, July 12, 2005  
Blogger Doug E. Pudge said...

You know, getting off to the right start everyday is very important. I am not good at doing that. I am stuck in my current routine of watching/listening to news and my commute to work. I think it's time for some changes around here. BBT

10:41 AM, July 12, 2005  
Blogger where's jim? said...

Yes, I agree...

11:50 AM, July 12, 2005  
Blogger Kodiak said...

Pete, looks like we are on the same page. I just started a mild workout this morning, not a 20 mile ride but I am not ready for that yet. I'm out of shape. Good job.

12:02 PM, July 12, 2005  
Blogger Pete said...

K.. I did not do a 20 mile. it was only 20 minutes and maybe around 5 miles. Basically I rode around the Union/Evans st block. Keep up the good work

12:19 PM, July 12, 2005  
Blogger Swinging Sammy said...

I try to leave for work 20 minutes early, so I can sit in my car and have a brief devo before work...helps a lot.

9:07 PM, July 12, 2005  

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