Wednesday, September 06, 2006

QB M. Hasselbeck (Sea - QB)
WR R. Moss (Oak - WR)
WR D. Driver (GB - WR)
WR E. Kennison (KC - WR)
RB T. Barber (NYG - RB)
RB B. Westbrook (Phi - RB)
TE A. Gates(SD - TE)
BN D. Foster(Car - RB)
BN E. Wilford(Jac - WR)
BN R. Dayne (Hou - RB)
BN D. Stallworth (Phi - WR)
BN P. Rivers (SD - QB)
BN J. Porter (Oak - WR)

This is my fantasy football team.. It looks alot like the team that I had last year. I know.. I won last place last year.. I thought that I would give them another try. If they don't do better. I will be making alot of trade offers to get a better team next year. But I think that I have some talent.. Hopefully they can beat who they are matched up against each week.


Blogger Matt said...

Yeah, dude. You've got some depth here. I think you're a contender.

4:14 PM, September 06, 2006  

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