Saturday, October 01, 2005

Saturday working

Well so far the on call hasn't been too bad. Had one call last night at 0400. I was here for an hour and back in bed.. I got up at 0730 because I thought that I was going to have a tanker sample this morning at 0800. It didn't come.. I was scheduled to be in at 1300. Oh well.. One of the processess had a motor go bad so I will not have a sample for a while. I shouldn't be back until around 2000. Well I thought that I was going to be able to take off but I have another sample @ 1445. Hopefully it will be in..

Helped the boys start to put together Tanner's fort/swing set. But had to leave. We had just gotten the main supports up.. They have probably have got the floor done by now... But I do not think that they will finish it today.. I will keep you posted.


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