Friday, March 17, 2006


Where do you Blog? work/home
When do you Blog? Morning/evening/when ever the boss isn't looking.

Great concert..

Wow.. that was an awesome worship last night.. I checked the blogroll to see how many had made posts.. But I guess everyone is waiting, thinking everyone else will post on it.. wanting to be original.. Oh well..

I had a great time at the Casting Crowns Life Tour last night. Josh Bates can definately play the Ukulele, and Nicole Nordman played some of her popular songs, Casting Crowns sounded awesome too. I had the most fun though feeling Haley jumping and dancing in Amy's belly. She was really moving last night.

Back to work. well some of us are at work....


Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Cell phone safety..

Everyone who has a cell phone needs to read this one .

Monday, March 13, 2006

Been awhile..

Sorry.. Been busy.. Had a great visit with my family the weekend of the 4th.. IT was AWESOME to see Mom and she was doing great.. I don't mean that she was just doing better then she was.. I mean that SHE is back. and it was nice.. +

This past weekend was beautiful too. Changed the oil in both the cars. cleaned them out a bit. Work treated the company to a free showing of the Shaggy Dog.. Cute though I am glad I didn't pay for it. I have a test this week in Biochem.. not looking forward to it.

I better get back to work..

Friday, March 10, 2006

Prayer request

Please pray that I will trust the answers and the provisions that God has given to me. We wrote an offer on a house and I am starting to get a little nervous.


Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Dan cont..

We were together at the museum of Natural History in DC.. Just had to do it..